Home of the Original Rosary Walk Dog Leash

Annie Joe's blog

  • My Miracle Kitty - Luna

    Author: Luna's mother (a 31 year old hospice care nurse) I would like to share a recent story about my very sick kitten, Luna. A couple of weeks ag...
  • St John Bosco and Grigio

      St. John Bosco's had a special dog that would appear only when he was in peril. in other words, his guardian angel? This article from the site A...
  • Is there Snow in Heaven?

    Annie Joe thinks "No, snow is too much bother, all the routine scent markers are covered up..... Or, maybe there's just 2 or 3 "snow days" in heave...
  • St Francis and the Animals

    I recently read St. Francis of Assisi, the biography written by G.K. Chesterton (photo above).  Chesterton's book opened my eyes to the significanc...
  • St. Dominic, Dogs and the Rosary

    Dominic, dogs and decades of the rosary go together in the most amazing way! Thanks to my dear friend Greta, who knows "all things dominican," she...